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Section M: Perfusion Models

This section is currently work in progress

General forward model

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.GF1.001 Forward model -- -- A forward model to be inverted (select from Section M. --

MR signal models

This section covers models that describe how the measured MR signal S depends on electromagnetic properties, such as the relaxation rates R1, R1 and R2* or the magnetic susceptibility \(\chi\) , and on MR sequence parameters such as TR and TE.
The exception is section “Magnitude models: DCE - R1 in the fast water exchange limit, direct relationship with indicator concentration”, in which the model describes how the MR signal depends directly on the indicator concentration.

Magnitude models: DSC

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.SM1.001 Gradient echo model -- GE model This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(S=S_0\cdot e^{-TE\cdot R_2^*}\)
TE (Q.MS1.005),
S0 (Q.MS1.010),
R2* (Q.EL1.007),
S (Q.MS1.001).
Jackson et al. 2005
M.SM1.002 Spin echo model -- SE model This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(S=S_0\cdot e^{-TE\cdot R_2}\)
TE (Q.MS1.005),
S0 (Q.MS1.010),
R2 (Q.EL1.004),
S (Q.MS1.001).
Jackson et al. 2005
M.SM1.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Magnitude models: DCE - R1 in the fast water exchange limit

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.SM2.001 Linear model -- Linear This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(S=k \cdot R_1\)
k (Q.GE1.009),
R1 (Q.EL1.001),
S (Q.MS1.001).
M.SM2.002 Spoiled gradient recalled echo model FLASH model SPGR model This forward model is given by the following equation: \(S=S_0 \cdot \frac{sin(\alpha)[1-e^{TR\cdot R_1}]}{1-cos(\alpha)\cdot e^{-TR\cdot R_1}}\)
S0 (Q.MS1.010),
R1 (Q.EL1.001),
TR (Q.MS1.006),
α (Q.MS1.007),
S (Q.MS1.001)
M.SM2.003 Single-shot saturation recovery SPGR with centric encoding model SS-SR-FLASH-c model SS-SR-SPGR-c model This forward model is given by the following equation: \(S = S_0\cdot(1-e^{-PD\cdot R_1})\)
S0 (Q.MS1.010),
R1 (Q.EL1.001),
PD (Q.MS1.008),
S (Q.MS1.001)
M.SM2.004 Saturation-recovery SPGR with linear encoding model SR-turboFLASH-lin model SR-turboSPGR-lin model This forward model is given by the following equation: \(S=S_0\cdot sin(\alpha)\cdot[(1-e^{-PD\cdot R_1})a^{n-1}+b\frac{(1-a^{n-1})}{(1-a)}]\)
\(a=cos(\alpha)\cdot e^{-TR\cdot R_1}\),
\(b=1-e^{-TR\cdot R_1}\),
S0 (Q.MS1.010),
R1 (Q.EL1.001),
PD (Q.MS1.008),
TR (Q.MS1.006),
α (Q.MS1.006)= 90°,
n (Q.MS1.011),
S (Q.MS1.001)
Larson 2001
M.SM2.005 Single-shot inversion recovery SPGR with centric encoding model SS-IR-FLASH-c model SS-IR-SPGR-c model This forward model is given by the following equation: \(S = S_0\cdot(1-2e^{-PD\cdot R_1})\)
S0 (Q.MS1.010),
R1 (Q.EL1.001),
PD (Q.MS1.008),
S (Q.MS1.001)
Ordidge et al. 1990
M.SM2.006 Inversion-recovery spoiled gradient recalled echo with linear encoding model IR-turboFLASH-lin model IR-turboSPGR-lin model This forward model is given by the following equation: \(S=S_0\cdot sin(\alpha)\cdot [\frac{(C+bA-\frac{1}{cos(\alpha)}D+1)}{1+BD}\cdot e^{-PD\cdot R_1}a^{n-1}+\)
\((1-e^{-PD\cdot R_1})a^{n-1}+b\frac{1-a^{n-1}}{1-a}]\)
\(a=cos(\alpha)e^{-TR\cdot R_1}\),
\(b=1-e^{-TR\cdot R_1}\),
\(C=a^{N-1}(1-e^{-PD\cdot R_1})\),
\(D=cos(\alpha)e^{-PD\cdot R_1}\),
\(B=a^{N-1}e^{-PD\cdot R_1}\),
S0 (Q.MS1.010),
R1 (Q.EL1.001),
PD (Q.MS1.008),
α (Q.MS1.007) ,
TR (Q.MS1.006),
n (Q.MS1.011),
N (Q.MS1.012),
S (Q.MS1.001)
Larson 2001
M.SM2.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Magnitude models: DCE - R1 in the fast water exchange limit, direct relationship with indicator concentration

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.MS3.001 Linear model -- Linear This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(S=k\cdot C\)
C (Q.IC1.001),
k (Q.GE1.009),
S (Q.MS1.001)
M.MS3.002 Absolute signal enhancement model -- ASE This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(| S-S_{BL} |=k\cdot C\) ,
C (Q.IC1.001),
SBL (Q.MS1.002),
k (Q.GE1.009),
S (Q.MS1.001)
Ingrisch and Sourbron 2013
M.MS3.003 Relative signal enhancement model -- RSE This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(| \frac{S}{S_{BL}}-1 |=k\cdot C\)
C (Q.IC1.001),
SBL (Q.MS1.002),
k (Q.GE1.009),
S (Q.MS1.001)
Ingrisch and Sourbron 2013
M.SM3.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Magnitude models: DCE - R1 in the presence of restricted water exchange

Magnitude models: Combined DCE/DSC - R1/ R2/ R1*

Magnitude models: Combined DCE/DSC - R1/R2/R2*

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.SM6.001 DSC Multi-echo (GE) model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation: \(S=S_{DCE,FXL}(R_1)e^{-TE\cdot R_2^*}\)
where SDCE,FXL(R1) is a forward model selected from Magnitude models: DCE- R1 in fast water exchange limit,
TE (Q.MS1.005),
R2* (Q.EL1.007),
S (Q.MS1.001)
M.SM6.002 DSC Multi-echo (SE) model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation: \(S=S_{DCE,FXL}(R_1)e^{-TE\cdot R_2}\)
where SDCE,FXL(R1) is a forward model selected from Magnitude models: DCE- R1 in fast water exchange limit,
TE (Q.MS1.005),
R2 (Q.EL1.004),
S (Q.MS1.001)
M.SM6.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Phase models

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.SM7.001 Linear susceptibility signal model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(S=k\cdot \chi\)
k (Q.GE1.009),
χ (Q.EL1.011),
S (Q.MS1.001).
M.SM7.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Electromagnetic property models

This section covers models that describe how electromagnetic properties (EP), such as relaxation rates R1, R2 and R2* or the magnetic susceptibility χ , are realted to indicator concentrations.

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.EL1.001 Transverse relaxation rate (GE), linear with relaxivity model Effective relaxation rate (GE), linear with relaxivity model -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(R_2^*=R_{20}^*+r_2^*\cdot C\)
R20* (Q.EL1.008),
r2* (Q.EL1.017),
C (Q.IC1.001),
R2* (Q.EL1.007)
(Rosen et al. 1990)
M.EL1.002 Transverse relaxation rate (SE), linear with relaxivity model Natural relaxation rate (GE), linear with relaxivity model -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(R_2=R_{20}+r_2\cdot C\)
R20 (Q.EL1.005),
r2 (Q.EL1.016),
C (Q.IC1.001),
R2 (Q.EL1.004)
(Rosen et al. 1990)
M.EL1.003 Longitudinal relaxation rate, linear with relaxivity model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(R_1=R_{10}+r_1\cdot C\)
R10 (Q.EL1.002),
r1 (Q.EL1.015),
C (Q.IC1.001),
R1 (Q.EL1.001)
(Rosen et al. 1990)
M.EL1.004 Transverse relaxation rate (GE) with gradient leakage correction model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(R_2^*=R_{20}^*+r_{2v}^*| C_p-C_e | +r_{2e}^*C_e,\)
\(R_{20}^*\) (Q.EL1.008),
\(C_p\) (Q.IC1.001.[p]),
\(C_e\) (Q.IC1.001.[e]),
\(r_{2e}^*\) (Q.EL1.017.[e]),
\(r_{2v}^*\) (Q.EL1.017.[v]),
Sourbron et al 2012
M.EL1.005 Transverse relaxation rate (GE), quadratic model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(R_2^*=R_{20}^*+k_1\cdot C_p+k_2C_p^2\)
\(R_{20}^*\) (Q.EL1.008),
\(C_p\) (Q.IC1.001.[p]),
[\(k_1\),\(k_2\)] (Q.EL1.020),
\(R_2^*\) (Q.EL1.007)
Van Osch 2003 (also see Calamante 2013)
M.EL1.006 Linear susceptibility concentration model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(\chi=\chi_0+\delta\chi\cdot C\)
\(\chi_0\) (Q.EL1.012),
\(\delta\chi\) (Q.EL1.013),
\(C\) (Q.IC1.001),
\(\chi\) (Q.EL1.011)
(Conturo et al. 1992)
M.EL1.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Indicator concentration models

This section covers models that describe how indicator concentrations in tissue and blood vary with time.

Indicator kinetic models

In the current version of the lexicon the list of indicator kinetic models is restricted to linear and stationary tissues, and specific models with two distribution spaces. A summary of common pharmacokinetic models in contrast-agent based perfusion MRI is given in (Sourbron and Buckley 2013). We provide the differential equations and impulse response functions using the consistent parameterizations to enable straightforward comparisons between models.

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.IC1.001 Linear and stationary system model -- LSS model This forward model is given by the following equations:
\(C(t)=I(t)\ast C_{a,p}(t)\)
[I (Q.IC1.005), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[\(C_{a,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[a,p]), \(t\) (Q.GE1.004)],
[\(C_t\) (Q.IC1.001.[t]), \(t\) (Q.GE1.004)]
(Rempp et al. 1994)
M.IC1.002 One-compartment, no indicator exchange model -- 1CNEX model The one compartment no indicator exchange model describes an intravascular model with no vascular to EES indicator exchange. This forward model is given by the following differential equation:
\(v_{p}\frac{dC_{t}(t)}{dt} = F_{p}C_{a,p} - F_{p}C_{c,p}(t)\)
The impulse response function is given by:
\(I(t) = F_{p}e^{{-\frac{F_{p}}{v_{p}}t}}\)
[\(C_{a,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[a,p]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[\(C_{c,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[c,p]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[\(C_t\) (Q.IC1.001.[t]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[I (Q.IC1.005), t (Q.GE1.004)],
\(F_p\) (Q.PH1.002),
\(v_{p}\) (Q.PH1.001.[p])
(Tofts et al. 1999)
M.IC1.003 One-compartment, fast indicator exchange model -- 1CFEX model The one compartment fast exchange model describes infinitely fast bi-directional exchange of indicator between vascular to extravascular extracellular spaces. The capillary and EES effectively act as a single compartment. This forward model is given by the following differential equation:
\(\frac{dC_{t}(t)}{dt} = F_{p}C_{a,p} - \frac{F_{p}}{v_{p} + v_{e}}C_{t}(t)\)
The impulse response function is given by:
\(I(t) = F_{p}e^{{-\frac{F_{p}}{v_{p} + v_{e}}t}}\)
[\(C_{a,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[a,p]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[\(C_t\) (Q.IC1.001.[t]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[I (Q.IC1.005), t (Q.GE1.004)],
\(F_p\) (Q.PH1.002),
\(v_{p}\) (Q.PH1.001.[p]),
\(v_{e}\) (Q.PH1.001.[e])
(Sourbron et al. 2013)
M.IC1.004 Tofts Model Kety model, Generalized Kinetic Model TM The Tofts model describes bi-directional exchange of indicator between vascular to extravascular extracellular spaces. The capillary compartment is assumed to have negligible volume. The EES is modeled as well-mixed compartment. The forward model is given by the following differential equation:
\(\frac{dC_{t}(t)}{dt} = K^{trans}C_{a,p} - \frac{K^{trans}}{v_{e}}C_{t}(t)\)
The impulse response function is given by:
\(I(t) = K^{trans}e^{{-\frac{K^{trans}}{v_{e}}t}}\)
[\(C_{a,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[a,p]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[\(C_t\) (Q.IC1.001.[t]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[I (Q.IC1.005), t (Q.GE1.004)],
\(K^{trans}\) (Q.PH1.004),
\(v_{e}\) (Q.PH1.001.[e])
(Tofts and Kermode 1991)
M.IC1.005 Extended Tofts Model Modified Tofts Model, Extended Generalized Kinetic Model, Modified Kety model ETM The extended Tofts model describes bi-directional exchange of indicator between vascular to extravascular extracellular spaces. The capillary and EES are modeled as well-mixed compartments. It is equivalent to the 2CXM in the highly perfused limit. Dispersion of indicator within the capillary bed is assumed negligible:
\(C_{c,p} = C_{a,p}\)
The forward model is given by the following differential equation:
\(v_{e}\frac{dC_{e}(t)}{dt} = PSC_{c,p} - PSC_{e}(t)\)
The impulse response function is given by:
\(I(t) = v_{p}\delta(t) + K^{trans}e^{{-\frac{K^{trans}}{v_{e}}t}}\)
[\(C_{c,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[c,p]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[\(C_e\) (Q.IC1.001.[e]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[I (Q.IC1.005), t (Q.GE1.004)],
\(\delta\) (Q.PH1.004),
\(K^{trans}\) (Q.PH1.004),
\(v_{e}\) (Q.PH1.001.[e])
(Tofts 1997)
M.IC1.006 Patlak Model -- PM The Patlak model allows uni-directional exchange of indicator from vascular to extravascular extracellular spaces. Indicator exchange from the EES to the intravascular space is considered negligible during the timeframe of the imaging experiment. The capillary and EES are modeled as well-mixed compartments. It is equivalent to the two compartment uptake model in the highly perfused limit. Dispersion of indicator within the capillary bed is assumed negligible:
\(C_{c,p} = C_{a,p}\)
The forward model is given by the following differential equation:
\(v_{e}\frac{dC_{e}(t)}{dt} = PSC_{c,p}\)
The impulse response function is given by:
\(I(t) = v_{p}\delta(t) + PS\)
[\(C_{c,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[c,p]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[\(C_e\) (Q.IC1.001.[e]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[I (Q.IC1.005), t (Q.GE1.004)],
\(\delta\) (Q.PH1.004),
\(K^{trans}\) (Q.PH1.004),
\(v_{p}\) (Q.PH1.001.[p])
(Patlak et al. 1983)
M.IC1.007 Two compartment uptake model -- 2CUM The 2CU model allows uni-directional exchange of indicator from vascular to extravascular extracellular spaces. Indicator exchange from the EES to the intravascular space is considered negligible during the timeframe of the imaging experiment. The capillary and EES are modeled as well-mixed compartments. The forward model is given by the following differential equations:
\(v_{p}\frac{dC_{c,p}(t)}{dt} = F_{p}C_{a,p} - F_{p}C_{c,p} - PSC_{a,p}\)

\(v_{e}\frac{dC_{e}(t)}{dt} = PSC_{a,p}\)
The impulse response function is given by:
\(I(t) = F_{p}e^{-({\frac{F_{p} + PS}{v_{p}}})t} + E(1 - e^{-({\frac{F_{p} + PS}{v_{p}}})t})\)
(Pradel et al. 2003), (Sourbron 2009)
M.IC1.008 Plug flow uptake model -- PFUM The plug flow uptake model allows uni-directional exchange of indicator from vascular to extravascular extracellular spaces. Indicator exchange from the EES to the intravascular space is considered negligible during the timeframe of the imaging experiment. The capillary space is modeled as a plug flow system and the EES as a well-mixed compartment. The forward model is given by the following differential equations:
\(v_{p}\frac{\partial C_{c,p}(x_{ax}, t)}{\partial t} = -F_{p}L_{ax}\frac{\partial C_{a,p}(x_{ax}, t)}{\partial x_{ax}} - PSC_{a,p}(x_{ax}, t)\)

\(v_{e}\frac{dC_{e}(t)}{dt} = PS \int_{0}^{L_{ax}} C_{c,p} (x_{ax},t) dx\)
The impulse response function is ... TO ADD IRF AND PARAMETER LINKS
(St. Lawrence and Frank 2000)
M.IC1.009 Two compartment exchange model -- 2CXM The 2CX model allows bi-directional exchange of indicator between vascular and extravascular extracellular compartments. Indicator is assumed to be well mixed within each compartment. The forward model is given by the following differential equations:
\(v_{p}\frac{dC_{c,p}}{dt} = F_{p}C_{a,p}(t) - F_{p}C_{c,p}(t) - PSC_{c,p}(t) + PSC_{e}(t)\)

\(v_{e}\frac{dC_{e}}{dt} = PSC_{c,p}(t) - PSC_{e}(t)\)
The impulse response function is given by
\(I(t) = F_{p}e^{-K_{+}t} + E_{-}(e^{-K_{+}t} - e^{-K_{-}t})\)

\(K_{\pm} = \frac{1}{2}\Biggl(\frac{F_{p} + PS}{v_{p}} + \frac{PS}{v_{p}} \pm \sqrt{(\frac{F_{p} + PS}{v_{p}} + \frac{PS}{v_{e}})^{2} - 4\frac{F_{p}PS}{v_{p}v_{e}}}\Biggl)\)

\(E_{-} = \frac{K_{+} + \frac{F_{p}}{v_{p}}}{K_{+} + K_{-}}\)
(Brix et al. 2004), (Sourbron et al. 2009), (Donaldson et al. 2010)
M.IC1.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Arterial input function models

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.IC2.001 Parker AIF model -- Parker AIF This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(C_{a,b}(t)=\sum_{n=1}^{2}\frac{A_n}{\sigma_n\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{(t-T_n)^2}{2\sigma_n^2}}+\frac{\alpha e^{-\beta t}}{1+e^{-s(t-\tau)}},\)
where \(A_n\), \(T_n\) and \(\sigma_n\) are the scaling constants, center and widths of the nth Gaussian; \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are the amplitude and decay constants of the exponential; and \(s\) and \(\tau\) are the width and center of the sigmoid, and [\(C_{a,b}\) (Q.IC1.001.[a,b]), t (Q.GE1.004)]. If not specified otherwise, the values from the publication are assumed: [\(A_1\), \(A_2\), \(T_1\), \(T_2\), \(\sigma_1\), \(\sigma_2\), \(\alpha\) , \(\beta\) , s, \(\tau\) ] = [48.54 mmol\(\cdot\)s, 19.8 mmol\(\cdot\)s, 10.2276 s, 21.9 s, 3.378 s, 7.92 s, 1.050 mmol, 0.0028 s-1, 0.6346 s-1, 28.98 s].
(Parker et al. 2006)
M.IC2.002 Georgiou AIF model -- Georgiou AIF The AIF between the start of the nth recirculation and (n+1)th recirculation is given by:
with \(n\tau<t<(n+1)\tau\)
and \(\gamma(\alpha, \beta, \tau)=\frac{t^\alpha e^{-\frac{t}{\beta}}}{\beta^{\alpha+1}\Gamma(\alpha +1)}\) with \(t\geq 0\),
where \(A_1\), \(A_2\), \(A_3\) and \(m_1\), \(m_2\), \(m_3\) are the amplitudes and time constants of the exponential terms, the coefficients and reflect the number of theoretical mixing chambers and the ratio of the volume of the mixing chambers to the volume flow rate, and is the recirculation time, [\(C_{a,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[a,p]), t (Q.GE1.004)]. \(\gamma = 0\) for \(t<0\).
If not specified otherwise, the values from the publication are assumed: [ \(A_1\), \(A_2\), \(A_3\), \(m_1\), \(m_2\), \(m_3\), \(\alpha\), \(\beta\) , \(\tau\) ] = [0.37 mM, 0.33 mM, 10.06 mM, 0.002 s-1, 0.02 \(s^{-1}\), 0.267 \(s^{-1}\), 5.26, 1.92 s, 7.74 s].
(Georgiou et al. 2019)
M.IC2.003 Weinmann AIF model -- Weinmann AIF This forward model is given by the following equation:
where \(D\) is the dose of contrast agent and \(a_1\), \(a_2\), \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) are the amplitudes and time constants of the exponential terms, and [\(C_{a,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[a,p]), t (Q.GE1.004)].
If the model parameters are not specified, the values from the publication are assumed: [\(D\), \(a_1\), \(m_1\), \(a_2\), \(m_2\)] = [0.25 mmol/kg, 3.99 kg/l, 0.0024 s-1, 4.78 kg/l, 0.0002 \(s^{-1}\)].
(Weinmann et al. 1984)
M.IC2.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Descriptive models

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.DM1.001 Unit step model Heaviside step model u This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(f(x-T)=0,\ \ x\leq T\),
\(f(x-T)=1,\ \ x\gt T\) ,
where T is a defined data grid point, at which the step function changes from 0 to 1 and [x, f(x)]= [Data grid (Q.GE1.001), Data (Q.GE1.002)].
M.DM1.002 Linear-quadratic model -- LQM This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(f(x)=f_{BL},\ \ x\leq BAT\),
\(x\gt BAT\),
where BAT is the bolus arrival time (Q.BA1.001), fBL the baseline (Q.BL1.001), β1 the slope after the BAT, β2 a quadratic component and [x, f(x)]= [Data grid (Q.GE1.001), Data (Q.GE1.002)].
(Cheong et al. 2003)
M.DM1.003 Two step linear model -- 2SLM This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(f(x)=f_{BL},\ \ x\leq BAT,\)
\(f(x)=f_{BL}+b_1(x-BAT),\ \ x\gt BAT,\)
where BAT is the bolus arrival time (Q.BA1.001), fBL is the baseline (Q.BL1.001), b1 the slope after the BAT and [x, f(x)]= [Data grid (Q.GE1.001), Data (Q.GE1.002)].
Cheong et al. 2003)
M.DM1.004 Three step linear mode -- 3SLM This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(f(x)=f_{BL},\ \ x\leq BAT,\)
\(f(x)=f_{BL}+b_1(x-BAT),\ \ BAT\leq x\leq \beta,\)
\(f(x)=f_{BL}+b_1(x-BAT)+b_2(x-\beta),\ \ x\gt\beta\) ,
where BAT is the bolus arrival time (Q.BA1.001), fBL is the baseline (Q.BL1.001), β is the point of intersection of the 2nd and 3rd line segment. b1 and b2 are the slopes of the 2nd and 3rd line segments and [x, f(x)]= [Data grid (Q.GE1.001), Data (Q.GE1.002)].
(Singh et al. 2009)
M.DM1.005 Multi-exponential model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(f(x)=A_1\cdot e^{-x\cdot a_1}+;...+A_n\cdot e^{-x\cdot a_n}\) <\br> where A1, …, An and a1,...,an are arbitrary coefficients and [x, f(x)]= [Data grid (Q.GE1.001), Data (Q.GE1.002)].
M.DM1.006 Gamma-variate model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
where BAT is the bolus arrival time (Q.BA1.001), α is a shape parameter, β is a scale parameter, Γ(α) is the gamma function and [x, f(x)]= [Data grid (Q.GE1.001), Data (Q.GE1.002)].
Mouridsen 2006
M.DM1.007 Fermi model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(f(x)=F\cdot\frac{1+b}{1+b\cdot e^{x\cdot a}}\) ,
where \(F\) is the blood flow, \(a\) und \(b\) are arbitrary fit parameters and [x, f(x)]= [Data grid (Q.GE1.001), Data (Q.GE1.002)].
(Brinch et al. 1999)
M.DM1.008 Normal distribution model Gaussian distribution model N This forward model is given by the following equation:
where \(\mu\) is the mean (xxx), \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation (xxx) and [x, f(x)]= [Data grid (Q.GE1.001), Data (Q.GE1.002)].
M.DM1.009 Dirac delta model Unit pulse model \(\delta\) This forward model is given by the following equation:
$\delta(x)= 1
for x = 0, <\br/> \delta = 0 elsewhere$
with [x, \(\delta\)(x)]= [Data grid (Q.GE1.001), Data (Q.GE1.002)].
M.DM1.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Leakage correction models

This section is concerned with models for DSC leakage correction. They are not descriptive models in the sense that they are defined for very specific physical quantities, but at the same time cannot be derived as a composition of kinetic models, electromagnetic tissue property models or MR signal models.

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.LC1.001 Boxerman-Schmainda-Weisskoff (BSW) leakage correction model -- BSW leakage correction model This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(R_2^*(t)=R_{20}^*+K_1\overline{\Delta R_{2,ref}^*(t)}-K_2\int_0^t \overline{\Delta R_{2,ref}^*(t')dt'},\)
[\(\overline{\Delta R_{2,ref}^*}\)(Q.EL1.010), t (Q.GE1.004)]
\(R_{20}^*\) (Q.EL1.008),
\(K_1\) (Q.LC1.001),
\(K_2\) (Q.LC1.002),
[\(R_2^*\) (Q.EL1.007), t (Q.GE1.004)]
M.LC1.002 Bidirectional leakage correction model -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(R_2^*(t)=R_{20}^*+K_1\overline{\Delta R_{2,ref}^*(t)}\)
-\(K_2\int_0^t \overline{\Delta R_{2,ref}^*(t')}\cdot e^{-k_{e->p}(t-t')}dt',\)
[\(\overline{\Delta R_{2,ref}^*}\)(Q.EL1.010), t (Q.GE1.004)]
\(R_{20}^*\) (Q.EL1.008),
\(K_1\) (Q.LC1.001),
\(K_2\) (Q.LC1.002),
\(k_{e->p}\) (Q.PH1.009.[e->p])
[\(R_2^*\) (Q.EL1.007), t (Q.GE1.004)]
M.LC1.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Perfusion identity models

This group lists relationships between perfusion quantities that can be used to derive one quantity from another under certain assumptions. This group is divided into the derivation of scalar quantities and the derivation of scalar derived from dynamic curves.

Scalar quantities

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.ID1.001 Central volume theorem -- CVT This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(v_p=MTT\cdot F_p\)
MTT (Q.PH1.006),
\(F_p\) (Q.PH1.002),
\(v_p\) (Q.PH1.001.[p])
M.ID1.002 Total volume of distribution -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(v_p\) (Q.PH1.001.[p]),
\(v_e\) (Q.PH1.001.[e]),
\(v_i\) (Q.PH1.001.[i]),
\(v\) (Q.PH1.001)
M.ID1.003 Blood vs plasma volume fraction -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(v_p\) (Q.PH1.001.[p]),
\(Hct\) (Q.PH1.012),
\(v_b\) (Q.PH1.001.[b]).
M.ID1.004 Blood vs plasma flow -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(F_p\) (Q.PH1.002),
\(Hct\) (Q.PH1.012),
\(F_b\) (Q.PH1.003)
M.ID1.005 Blood vs plasma AIF -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
[\(C_{a,p}\) (Q.IC1.001.[a,p]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
[\(C_{a,b}\) (Q.IC1.001.[a,b]), t (Q.GE1.004)],
\(Hct_a\) (Q.PH1.012.[a])
M.ID1.006 Small vessel hematocrit correction -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(Hct_a\) (Q.PH1.012.[a]),
\(Hct_t\) (Q.PH1.012[t]),
\(Hct_f\) (Q.PH1.013)
M.ID1.007 Compartment extraction fraction -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(PS\) (Q.PH1.004),
\(F_p\) (Q.PH1.002),
\(E\) (Q.PH1.005)
M.ID1.008 Plug flow extraction fraction -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(PS\) (Q.PH1.004),
\(F_p\) (Q.PH1.002),
\(E\) (Q.PH1.005)
M.ID1.009 Plasma MTT identity -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(v_p\) (Q.PH1.001.[p]),
\(PS\) (Q.PH1.004),
\(F_p\) (Q.PH1.002),
\(MTT_p\) (Q.PH1.006.[p])
M.ID1.010 Interstitial MTT identity -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(v_e\) (Q.PH1.001.[e]),
\(PS\) (Q.PH1.004),
\(MTT_e\) (Q.PH1.006.[e])
M.ID1.011 \(K^{trans}\) identity -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(K^{trans}=E\cdot F_p\),
E (Q.PH1.005),
\(F_p\) (Q.PH1.002),
\(K^{trans}\) (Q.PH1.008)
M.ID1.012 \(k_{ep}\) identity -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
\(K^{trans}\) (Q.PH1.008),
\(v_e\) (Q.PH1.001.[e]),
\(k_{e->p}\) (Q.PH1.009.[e->p])
M.ID1.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Scalars derived from dynamic curves

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
M.ID2.001 Bolus delay identity -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
[ \(h_a\) (Q.IC1.004), t (Q.GE1.004)],
\(MTT_a\) (Q.PH1.006.[a])
M.ID2.002 Tissue mean transit time identity -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
[ \(R\) (Q.IC1.002),
\(t\) (Q.GE1.004)],
\(MTT_t\) (Q.PH1.006.[t])
M.ID2.003 Blood plasma flow from maximum -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:
[ \(I\) (Q.IC1.005), \(t\) (Q.GE1.004)],
\(F_p\) (Q.PH1.002)
M.ID2.004 Blood plasma flow from first time frame -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:

M.ID2.005 Capillary transit time heterogeneity identity -- -- This forward model is given by the following equation:

M.ID2.999 Model not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a model of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --