Sections Q: Quantities¶
MRI sequence quantities¶
The items in this group are related to the MR sequence used to acquire the signal.
Diffusion tensor quantities¶
The items of this group are quantities related to diffusion of water (rate, directionality, orientation)
CL, CP, and CS: the linear, planar, and spherical shape measures. Mode of anisotropy (,areas)%20due%20to%20anisotropic%20diffusion.) | Q.DTI1.999 | Quantity not listed | -- | -- | This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a quantity of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. | [variable] | -- |
Tractography quantities¶
In this group quantities used to describe tractography are listed | Code | OSIPI name| Alternative names|Notation|Description|OSIPI units|Reference| | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | Euler’s method (following the eigenvector or tangent for a fixed step size) -(,areas)%20due%20to%20anisotropic%20diffusion.)) second order Runge-Kutta (also known as the midpoint method, where the tangent is followed for half a step, then a new tangent is calculated at the midpoint of the interval and used to take the full step), fourth order Runge-Kutta (where the weighted average of four estimated tangents to the curve is used when taking each step) FACT Some related methods attempt to introduce “inertia” when tracking through regions of planar anisotropy (likely fiber crossings).
Structural connectivity quantities¶
In this group quantities used to describe structural connectivity are listed | Code | OSIPI name| Alternative names|Notation|Description|OSIPI units|Reference| | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Microstructure quantities¶
In this group quantities used to describe tissue microstructure are listed | Code | OSIPI name| Alternative names|Notation|Description|OSIPI units|Reference| | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | ( IVIM, AxCaliber, NODDI Bingham-NODDI, the spherical mean-based SMT and MC-MDI, and spherical convolution-based single- and multi-tissue CSD SANDI NEXI DOC
Exchange quantities¶
In this group commonly used quantities relating to exchange of water across cell membranes are described.
| Code | OSIPI name| Alternative names|Notation|Description|OSIPI units|Reference|
| -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
| Q.PH1.010.[j] | Water exchange rate | kin, kout | kw,j | Equilibrium water exchange rate between two compartments (e.g. kw, e → b) | 1/s | -- |
| Q.EX1.001 | Apparent exchange rate | -- | AXR | The apparent exchange rate of water across a membrane observed using filtered exchange imaging. \(
Biophysical quantities¶
In this group commonly used quantities relating to the bioiphysical properties of tissue are described. | Code | OSIPI name| Alternative names|Notation|Description|OSIPI units|Reference| | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | fibre density neurite density myelin density microglial density neuronal density fibre orientation orientation complexity axon diameter cell size